X Rocker is renowned for redefining home entertainment for gamers across the globe. Their mission is to make gaming accessible for the whole family.
Increase in conversions
Global Storefronts
Trusted by gamers worldwide
X Rocker is a huge name in the gaming industry, they have partnerships with the likes of Nintendo, Playstation, New Orlean Pelicans and more. They have built their business by selling through large retailers mainly but with Covid hitting and buying behaviours changing, X Rocker knew they needed to have high converting and robust global websites to help them continue to grow their business outside of the retail industry.
X Rocker wanted to create two websites that would showcase all the great elements of their products, in a clean and visual manner. As some of their products have so many features, a vital part of the brief was to showcase what makes their gaming furniture so special. X Rocker knew the benefits of Shopify already and were keen on us really pushing the conversions rates up compared to their old websites.
Showcasing the global partnerships
With the ever-growing e-sports movement, it was key on the new site to really showcase the partnerships with some of the world’s top Esports teams. The US site has a dedicated area of the website to these key partnerships.
Et fin.👌